AVAHAN - Hindu Bhakti Music

by Invoke Media Tech Pvt Ltd

Music & Audio


Namaste. Welcome to Avahan.Meditation has been a time-tested practice for purging out all the distracting thoughts and other impurities of mind and heart. In Vedic Hindu tradition, invocation of deities comes through mantras, religious verses and even songs or bhajans. Chants and prayers make an auspicious start for the day. Dhyana or meditation is a path towards it.Avahan has been conceived as a handy instrument for mans quest for peace and happiness inspired by a growing urge for spiritual evolution of man. It aims at fulfilling the spiritual and devotional music needs of every individual through meditative content in a pleasant Hindustani Classical music genre.What can you expect from Avahan App:ARTISAt the beginning of every auspicious work, daily worship, festivals and special days, invoke the Gods and Goddesses with melodious artisFOLK SONGSEnjoy the Traditional Folk Songs sung by the women on all occasions - Wedding, Vidai, Season change and moreMEDITATIONLearn to meditate with guided meditations and move towards peace and self realisationBHAJANListen to inspiring Bhajans to start your day. You can also enjoy them at leisure or at workMUSIC THERAPYMusic therapy can have positive effects on your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-beingMANTRAListen to special prevention and chanting mantras and always stay close to the DivineKATHAListen to the Pauranic and Regional Vrat Kathas on all auspicious occasions throughout the yearSLEEPIf you have trouble sleeping, listen to these sleep inducing sounds and be assured of building a peaceful routine without using pills